Success Stories


Real people - Real experiences - Real results

  • Lysette student

    Lysette (Ecuador)

    “Before I took Pronunciation Power Level 1 group class with Yax Accent, I knew how to speak English, but there were words that I kept mispronouncing. I wanted to improve my flow and pronunciation. There aren't enough good things I can say about this course. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Learning the techniques on how to do certain sounds for vowels and consonants really helped my speaking. Especially understanding the tongue's position made a huge difference in my pronunciation and fluency. I feel more confident in speaking, but also my mindset has changed. You might think you know something, but there is always room for improvement. Honestly, motivation to learn is the key. Ms. Morgan constantly mentioned that "practice makes progress, not perfection" and "English is a lifestyle, not something you learn once and forget" also "perseverance" and “take action". She encouraged our group to not give up and not feel ashamed of mistakes.

    Ms. Morgan is enthusiastic, easy to follow, empathetic, and willing. She provided many examples to practice the sounds and created a very comfortable environment. Even when some sounds were silly, no one in the group felt like an oddball. I loved the interactions with the other students. We felt welcome to make mistakes because that's how you improve. The course’s thought-provoking questions, practice material, and videos were all very helpful! I recommend Yax Accent to anyone who wants to improve their pronunciation. Thank you so much!”

  • Xiaohan student

    Xiaohan (Singapore)

    “Taking the Pronunciation Power Level 1 course with Ms. Morgan has definitely been life-changing. Despite being a native English speaker (with a non-American accent), I still face struggles with certain sounds and intonation. I was self-conscious about how I sounded, especially during job situations since I work at an MNC. I didn't like the way I sounded and eventually, just wanted to stop speaking as result. After the course, I can say I am clearer and have a more powerful voice. Ms. Morgan is very encouraging and doesn't put anyone down. Even when we make mistakes, she will guide us to figuring out the right answer instead of outrightly correcting or telling us that we are wrong. Her methods are effective. I'm amazed how she breaks down technicalities into bite-sized info which are easy to understand. She's also knowledgeable about the struggles faced by various language speakers (Chinese, Japanese, Italian, etc). Learning the American T sounds was a game-changer in changing my accent. Yax Accent’s course not only taught us the technicalities. More importantly, she taught us to embrace our voice and feel proud of our English. Our mindset and how we view ourselves are equally important as how we sound. When we feel confident, we will naturally sound confident. Communicating clearly is the goal and accent is secondary. Thank you!”

  • Dainora student

    Dainora (Lithuania)

    “Morgan is a gifted teacher who inspires her students to reach for greater things. Her extensive guidance and thoroughness assisted me in prioritizing and concentrating on the critical sounds that I needed to work on. Despite the fact that I have been speaking English for many years, Morgan also assisted me in changing my attitude toward the language. She opened my mind to different ideas and new ways of thinking about English. Morgan stressed the importance of mindset, which totally altered my outlook on language learning. I was always striving for perfection, which is not the right way to go about it. She is not only insightful, but she is also inspiring. We worked together for five months, and I gained confidence in my ability to speak in a different voice. I especially loved her breathing workshop, which helped me to speak with English prosody and improve intonation. Morgan is open-minded, dedicated, and has a friendly personality. Morgan made me feel comfortable while also pushing me to step outside my comfort zone when necessary. I now feel that I have enough pronunciation knowledge to continue on my own. Morgan helped me to lay a solid foundation. Working with Morgan was incredible. It not only helped my English accent, overall pronunciation but gave me more confidence in public speaking. I can't express how grateful I am for all of her suggestions and advice!”

  • Guilherme student

    Guilherme (Brazil)

    “When I first met Morgan, I had just moved from Brazil to New York for work, and I didn’t know anyone in the city. My English was ok, but expressing my ideas didn’t come naturally to me. Furthermore, grammar mistakes and pronunciation issues were common in my writing and speaking. I not only wanted to understand and be understood by Americans. I wanted to be able to think in English and have a conversation as naturally as if I were speaking in my own native language. Therefore, I took a step and started my online classes with Morgan. She quickly understood my weaknesses and started working on them. When I overcame a flaw, she would pass to the next one and so on. My English skills improved amazingly fast. Morgan was able to make me understand the characteristics of each English sound (she was really picky about it!). Consequently, when I made a pronunciation mistake, I could notice it and correct it myself. My progress was so remarkable that I often caught myself thinking or even talking to myself in English. The ability to speak English fluently allowed me to make a lot of American friends. I started hanging out with them, laughing and making jokes, as if English was my first language. The skills I learned from Morgan allowed me to explore and live a whole new world, providing me one of the best years of my life. As Morgan, herself says: “The limits of my language are the limits of my world”. Thank you for everything Morgan, I’ll forever be grateful.”

  • Nora Student

    Nora (Puerto Rico)

    “After only two months of 1:1 classes I can say, My classes with Ms. Morgan were one of my best investments in terms of time and money. When I moved to the US I struggled getting my message across clearly in so many ways which made me lose confidence. Morgan empowered me in such a way that I regained my confidence to speak English fluently in a very short period of time. She knows what she's doing and how to do it. I especially enjoyed learning about intonation and prosody. In fact, I now understand the mouth and tongue positions for better pronunciation in sounds such as ch/sh and D/J. Ms Morgan is professional, knowledgeable and goes above and beyond to address your challenges not only in pronunciation but your mindset as well. Thank you Ms. Morgan!”

  • Chirs student

    Chris Yang (china)

    “After only 1 month of pronunciation classes at Yax Accent, I can now say that I am so proud of my English. Ms. Morgan has a great passion for teaching. During the accent evaluation, she analyzed my pronunciation and rhythm effectively and she designed a customized course for me. When I first started I really struggled with TH, Dark L, and intonation. However, with Ms. Morgan’s expert instruction, I’ve made rapid improvements. I know exactly what to do now and get immediate improvement. I’m looking forward to continuing. I absolutely recommend Yax Accent!”


Amit (India)

“My accent tutor, Morgan Worden, has been a huge factor in helping me understand the nuances of the American pronunciation, speech, and flow. I have become more aware of how to produce the standard American accent. This is a long journey of learning and growth. Don’t expect miracles in a week or a month. There are many things to learn, to unlearn, to practice, and to internalize. However, Americans have even commented on how much better my pronunciation is. I am happy with my journey and highly recommend Morgan!”

Michael (China)

Michael (China)

Learning with Ms.Morgan has been the best accent reduction experience I've had so far. Her teaching is vivid and easy-to-follow. This is achieved by taking the time to prep high-quality material and develop intuitive body languages. Her thoughtfulness is also exemplified by the various homework tasks she leaves after each class (she grades them too!). Highly recommended! “


Ivan (Italy)

Ms. Morgan is nice and professional, and her teaching method is effective. I feel a little bit more confident after every lesson. After only five classes with Morgan, I can say that my pronunciation and my intonation has improved.”


Takeshi (Japan)

Due to her very clear explanations in the combination of effective practices, I could immediately understand what my issues are. Her lesson is much more valuable than tons of textbooks. Her students can burn their textbooks and create more space in their houses! Classes on the individual sounds are always super informative!-

Loïc (France)

Loïc (France)

“I'm a French native speaker who moved to the US 2 years ago to work at Google. I discovered how complicated it is to get easily understood from a native American speaker. French and American English don't have the same sounds and the same flow while speaking. Morgan helped me so much with my frustration in my American English speaking. She first made a personalized assessment with constructive feedback and defined a plan to improve all my mistakes. Morgan uses effective methods and she makes sure you understand the lesson, using repetition and homework to get it fully assimilated. I loved our open discussions to check my accent improvements. She also helped me with various grammar and vocabulary issues. I highly recommend Morgan to push your English to the next level!”


Priscila (Brazil)

Morgan is an amazing teacher! Her classes are always well prepared and interactive! She is really committed with her students learning as she explains vocal techniques to improve pronunciation and purposeful activities during class and after class to ensure a productive learning experience. I’ve learned how to make American English sounds that I didn’t know about before and now I’m able to self-correct. My next step with her is to work on my pronunciation in a business setting.

Levi (Brazil)

Levi (Brazil)

“I’m extremely satisfied with my classes that I took with Morgan Worden. The English language is an exceptional tool in my work as an engineer at ABB. My biggest difficulties as a non-native, was always the pronunciation and vocabulary. Morgan always checked my difficulties and set up a class schedule to correct my problems with English. She also kept me motivated with interactive and animated classes. I’m not perfect , but now I feel comfortable having conversations in business and social settings. Another bonus is that I got a better position at work! Thanks for all of your help.”

  • Ivan student

    Ivan (Russia)

    “I moved to the US from Russia 3 years ago and have been speaking English daily, so my comprehension of the language has drastically improved. You would think my accent had gotten better too, but it didn't happen. Seeing immigrants who’ve lived in the USA for half of their lives still speak with a heavy accent is common because not many people can copy a natural accent. You can try watching YouTube videos about the American accent, but it takes lots of dedication and lacks good feedback. American friends aren't helpful either; they can hear your accent issues but can't suggest how to fix it. That’s why I needed an accent coach. I didn’t have time to commute, but studying online is flexible, done from your home, and you can continue your activities right after. Coaches living in the USA are expensive, but Morgan Worden is an American-born professional living abroad, so I don’t have to worry about breaking the bank for classes, and I’m even able to learn for an extended period of time.

    Morgan is an amazing teacher and even a digital barrier can't break her magic. She would quickly recognize all your problems and give you clear instructions on how to speak the American way. It takes time, I'm several months in, but not planning to stop, it's just a fun time for me too. As a huge bonus, she gives you homework (if you want one of course) and then checks it thoroughly. Plus, I’ve already seen the results. People whom I just met don't try to guess what country I am from, so that’s no longer part of the conversation. Also, friends of mine who heard me speak English before I took classes compared to my accent now have even commented on how surprised they are with my pronunciation progress. In general, people don't ask to repeat all the time…relief! Of course, I don't sound like someone who was born and raised here (and never will) but it's an exciting journey to get as close as possible and Morgan is an extraordinary guide for it.”

  • Hanuel student

    Hanuel (South Korea)

    “Morgan, my best teacher ever, doesn't only teach, but also makes me feel that she cares a lot for me. I'll be more conscious when I pronounce any short “i” sound, such as in 'kid' and 'still'. Sometimes it seems like English is a huge, steep mountain, but Morgan always helps me get to the summit. What I love about her class most is that her class is really organized and unique. We talk about a certain topic and she helps me improve in a different way of language. At first we reviewed the things we covered last class. After having a small talk on the topic (today, the topic was education) I learned 5 new words related to education and made sentences with them. Plus I watched a short video about education and then I only listened to it for dictation. Plus grammar (about articles) and pronunciation (long a and short a). She always gives me feedback before finishing a class so that I know what I did well and what I should improve more. If you are looking for a class that improves you in every way, Ms. Morgan is right here for you!”

  • Vladimir student

    Vladimir (Ukraine)

    I moved to the USA 3 years ago. It turned out that my knowledge of English was not enough to feel confident in talking with the locals. And since I was planning to go to university in the USA, I started to study English with a tutor. After a year of studying, I found that despite my progress in grammar and increased vocabulary, I still had difficulty communicating with Americans. Very often they did not understand me and asked me to repeat the phrase, although I was sure that grammatically I'd said everything correctly. It was because of my strong Eastern European accent. This developed my insecurity and discouraged me from communicating in English when it was not necessary. But when I passed the exams and started studying at the university, I realized that I needed to somehow change the situation, since the uncertainty of how I express my thoughts would interfere with my studies.

    I contacted Morgan Worden and asked her to help me get rid of the accent. From the very first lessons, I was able to apply new knowledge in everyday speech and began to notice that people began to understand me better. It helped me regain confidence in my speech. During my studies with Morgan, I learned a lot about sounds in English. None of my English teachers have ever paid attention to correct pronunciation, which led to incorrect memorization of how words are pronounced. Which made it harder to get rid of my accent, but with a teacher like Morgan, I'm sure anything is possible. Because of the pandemic, my studies take place online. This introduces additional difficulties in communication because now we cannot use body language to help other people understand us better. We have to rely only on our vocal cords.

    Now I am halfway through my Master of Science in Computer Science program. And I feel much more confident participating in discussions and presenting my scientific work than at the beginning of my studies. Getting rid of an accent is a very important investment in your future, especially if you plan to study or work in an English-speaking country. Good pronunciation is a basic necessity that will greatly facilitate your already difficult life in a foreign country.

Jerry (China)

Jerry (China)

Ms. Morgan helped me prepare for my APS test to enter university in Germany as a Chinese native. We also worked on mock-interviews for my nursing tests so I could express myself clearly and without fear. I was happily surprised that Morgan even prepared personalized documents for me to practice with; she is professional and excellent. Every time I made mistakes, she helped me to correct them on the spot. I quickly learned how to improve on my own and made fast progress. To be honest, I felt nervous about studying abroad but Morgan helped me to “think big”. Although the barrier has been the English language, Morgan helped me with English Medical words for APS test and I can say I’m living in Germany now and studying nursing. Thank you, Morgan, for helping me so much!

Anya (Hong Kong)

Anya (Hong Kong)

“Ms. Morgan is always well-organized and has good time management of her class. We have shared ideas regarding life’s joys and challenges, went through four type of "t" sounds as well. As a physician, I need to express myself clearly and thanks to these classes, I can do so!”

Blanca (Mexico)

Blanca (Mexico)

“I work in an elementary school in United States, so my pronunciation is extremely important as an educator. I have always paid attention to the pronunciation in the dictionary but is not the same as the way natives speak. Ms. Morgan is helping me with my phonemic awareness, something that is crucial for me to improve my accent. She identifies words that I mispronounce which allows me to pinpoint patterns that I need to work on.  The classes are designed on my personal pronunciation problems. I learned about "hidden" sounds in common suffixes; I was not even aware about this! I like that Ms. Morgan assigns homework and goes over my pronunciation mistakes. I really enjoy the feedback and it’s useful. “

Gigi (Thailand)

Gigi (Thailand)

“ I needed Morgan’s help with many academic articles I had to write for my doctorate degree. She taught me how to express myself confidently. We even worked on my presentation that I had to give in England. I’m writing a book for business administation to be published soon and Morgan has helped so much!”

  • Elio student

    Elio (Colombia)

    “Ms. Morgan is clearly a long-experienced language professor. I like the classes very much. She takes a lot of notes and after the class she sends them all to me. She ensures that the main points are being well understood and she’s detail-oriented which helps me know where to improve. In addition, she is also genuinely kind. Time flies with such a kind and highly-motivated professor!”

  • Wen student

    Wen (China)

    “Morgan Worden is an amazing tutor! She helped me with the weakness of my pronunciation, sentence flow, and even admission interviews! She is very patient to students and inspiring in the way of teaching and communicating. I would highly recommend!”

  • Steve (South Korea)

    Today, I've learned how to pronounce “past verbs -ed”, I never thought that this much would be different from each other and how important it is. With every minute passing by, I could feel that my English grew better and better. After 50 classes, I can say she is an excellent teacher. I’ve learned a lot by reading out loud and having her correct me.

  • Natalia (Russia)

    I have taken many lessons with different teachers and Ms. Morgan’s classes are definitely my favorites. Ms. Morgan always corrects my mistakes, gives homework, and provides detailed feedback on it which is very helpful! She adapts each class to my specific pronunciation needs. Although I learn how to make American sounds and mimic the flow, she helps me with vocabulary and grammar too!”

  • Sofia (Brazil)

    “I have been working with Morgan to improve my pronunciation. With 12 classes, I have already learned a lot such as the American English vowel sounds, past tense pronunciation, sh/ch, etc. She brings many resources (videos, texts) that make the classes fun and diverse.”

  • Abdullah (Saudi Arabia)

    “We practiced t+r sound today. After three sessions, I can see a noticeable improvement in my pronunciation. I feel more aware of mistakes and know how to self-correct. I still need to practice what I have learned to master it. Thank you Morgan for your continuous support and valuable feedback.”

  • Jesus (Peru)

    I work at an international bank so I scheduled some classes to learn more about sounds that were difficult for me and all lessons were great! I especially enjoyed learning how to improve the TH. I learned about the tongue and teeth positions as well as how to use my muscles correctly. Now I can self-correct, something I wasn’t even aware of before. Besides the explanations about the physical aspects of sounds, Ms. Morgan gave me several examples and presented new exercises in each class. She was always aware of my mistakes when pronouncing those sounds and kindly corrected me. All these concepts and exercises helped me to strengthen my speaking and listening skills, to build more confidence at meetings in my job and dealing with English-speakers more naturally. Additionally, Ms. Morgan was also a caring person and made the classes a friendly and nice environment. She patiently helped me and always provided resources to improve my accent!

  • Mehdi student

    Mehdi (Iran)

    “Thank you Morgan for providing the opportunity to improve my English accent. It would have been an impossible task without your support. Teaching the English accent is an intricate and difficult task, yet your unique teaching style and techniques were very effective and I was able to improve my accent significantly by applying your instructions. For example, I never understood the concept of intonation. Now after persistent practice I feel confident asking questions with American intonation. I also should add that your kind personality and positive attitude were key for stimulating my interest in continuing my dreams of having a clearer English accent.”

  • Bee student

    Bee (Thailand)

    “I wanted to speak English in a natural, smooth manner and express myself clearly. After only a few months of classes with Ms. Morgan I feel more confident. I used to be proud of my reading skill only, but now I’m starting to be more proud of my speaking skills. This class taught me how to pronounce certain sounds in English, how my mouth shape and tongue position should be. For example, finally understanding SH/CH sounds and mouth mechanics was awesome! Trying to fix my pronunciation when I’m not a child anymore is not easy, but Ms. Morgan is patient and so encouraging. She explains hard topics in a very simple and easy to understand way, plus the amount of homework each week is very manageable. Being able to express my thoughts is great. Others don’t comment on my accent as much as before, and I definitely see an improvement. Now I’m able to self correct and will keep on learning to reach my goals!”