How to pronounce “Education” in English
Did you ever say or think this? I hear these words every week during my accent training classes.
“The spelling is confusing. Wait- so if it is SPELLED that way then why is it PRONOUNCED this way?” the words of * all adult English learners trying to improve their accent*.
When you are trying to improve your pronunciation, you cannot trust the spelling. Unlike other languages, English changes the sound of the letters frequently. For example: did you know that d+u spelling usually sounds like the “j” in juice?
Education sounds “Eh-joo-CAY-tion “NOT Eh-doo-CAY-tion”
Watch this video to learn how to make those sounds and a few examples. Using them will make you sound a lot more natural.
If you want a free practice guide with audio to train yourself to learn these sounds, type YES in the comments and I’ll send it to your email.