Affirmations for English Learning

Psychology's Cognitive Triangle shows how what we think affects how we feel and that affects how we act. 


THOUGHT: “ My English pronunciation is terrible and others never will understand me”

FEELINGS: discouragement, defeat, frustration, insecure

ACTIONS: Speak English with many pauses, second-guess yourself, or staying quiet. 


So, what circle are you creating for your English? Do you need to change your thought patterns? 

March 20th marked the start of Spring in the USA. Most Americans think about ‘spring cleaning’ and throw away useless things in their house and completely clean it. Why don’t you try  “spring cleaning” your brain? Think positively about your English. Mindset is part of the fluency journey.

My English is this, My English is that. I don’t speak English fluently enough. I have such a thick accent.- NO MORE.  You can find some positive affirmations here.

Choose five and repeat them outloud each day.Write in the comments the one you want the most!

  1. My mistakes in English don’t define me

  2. My past does not determine my future

  3. People are curious to hear what I have to say

  4. I am constantly improving and learning

  5. I am grateful for being able to communicate in English and I find joy in connecting with people

  6. My words matter

  7. I love and enjoy speaking English

  8. English is easy for me

  9. I’m always learning, never failing

  10. I’m funny and witty in any language

  11. I am 100% committed to my goals

  12. Every day I feel more confident in English

  13. I release all doubts and fears and I’m ready to communicate freely

  14. Interesting people are attracted to me

  15. There are no limits to what I can achieve

  16. I am making a difference in this world by communicating my thoughts and feelings in English

  17. My vocabulary is constantly expanding

  18. I am able to speak clearly and confidently in English and still feel like myself

  19. I am worthy of living the life I want to live

  20. Every mistake is an opportunity to learn

—-> Which affirmations did you choose to use? Write in the comments below.


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