The English Stress System
Don’t try to pronounce each syllable of each word in English or you’ll sound like a robot.
English is a stressed-time language. That means that only some syllables and words are stressed, given emphasis and importance. The less important syllables and words are reduced. English sounds like this: DAda or daDA or daDAdada. English never sounds DADA or DADADA.
English rhythm is like morse code where other languages sound like a machine gun.
What is stress?
Stress means giving emphasis to a syllable or word.
In English there are three layers
How do we know which syllable to stress?
For MOST two syllable nouns and adjectives stress the first syllable.
KNOWledge, TAble,ENtrance, PURple, SPAcious
2. For MOST two syllable verbs stress the second syllable.
conTROL, reBEL, proDUCE
3. For words that end with the suffix -tion or -sion, stress the syllable before.
educAtion. situAtion, PENsion, exTENsion.
How to use stress in sentences:
Now you know a bit more about word stress. Remember that not all words are created equal in English. (Download your free American English pronunciation guide here.)
We have content and function words.
Content words are nouns, verbs, adjectives - words that give meaning to a sentence. You need to stress those. Go higher, longer, louder.
Example: He IS a PLAYFUL DOG.
Function words are auxiliary verbs, pronouns, conjunctions, articles - words that do not add real meaning to the sentence. You need to reduce those. Don’t stress them.
Example: He WANTS to GO to China with SANDY.
Use this chart to learn common reductions of function words ———>
Practice sentences:
I want to walk to the store.
The automation engineer and his wife are going to cook us dinner.
I’d like a cup of coffee with milk.
I’m learning American English stress to sound more natural.
It’s a gift for you to have.
Record your voice saying these words then compare it to the audio. Write in the comments below how many you got right.
Creative, holiday, monetization, company, sitcom, hidden, concerned, record,coffee, legislation
Byebye robot voice. Keep applying these rules to sound clear and confident and English. As always, if you want more- sign up for a class.