Say ‘mountain’ with an American Accent

Wanna know this secret?👂

You don’t need to pronounce the /t/ like “ tiger” in every single word. In fact, the T has many variations in American English pronunciation.

🗣Knowing this pronunciation secret won’t only improve your naturalness, but it will also boost your listening skills. 

For example: Sometimes we pronounce the T in a way that sounds like the air got stuck in our throat. That’s called “glottal T”.

➡️When do we use the “ glottal T”?

➡️When the T is before an N or a syllable that ends in N.

  • Mountain, the t is before the syllable that ends with an N

  • Kitten, the t is before the syllable that ends with an N

  • Fitness, the t is before an N

After watching the video, practice using the glottal T. There are many other words where the rule applies. Can you think of one?

Not all Americans use the glottal T constantly, but it is a common sound. Have fun practicing this interesting English sound! 

Are there any mountains near your home? Do you enjoy hiking mountains? Let me know below 👇


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